FOCUSfactor® 為大腦提供營養。 其專有配方含有專門選擇的生物活性神經營養素,因為它們能夠幫助餵養和滋養您的大腦並支持您的記憶。 此外,它的維生素和礦物質種類非常齊全,可以取代您當前的多種維生素
- 臨床證明可以提高記憶力、精神集中和專注力
- 經過臨床測試的專利配方
- 加上完整的多種維生素
到期日: 07/2025
滿HK$450 免費送貨 Free shipping on orders over HK$450
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亦歡迎WhatsApp 5626 7267, 聯絡我們見面交收。
SF Express delivery charge COD on orders below HK$450.
No shipping for face-to-face transactions. Feel free to WhatsApp us at 5626 7267 to arrange.
FOCUSfactor® delivers nutrition for the brain. Its proprietary formula contains biologically active neuronutrients chosen specifically for their ability to help feed and nourish your brain and support your memory. In addition, its full spectrum of vitamins and minerals is so complete it could take the place of your current multivitamin
- Clinically Shown To Improve Memory, Concentration and Focus
- Clinically Tested Patented Formula
- Plus Complete Multivitamin
Expiry Date: 07/2025