Bausch + Lomb PreserVision AREDS 2 眼部維生素和礦物質補充劑,含有葉黃素、維生素 C、玉米黃質、鋅和維生素 E,210 粒軟膠囊超大包裝
#1 醫生推薦品牌
包含基於 AREDS 2 研究的精確水平的臨床驗證營養素
Bausch + Lomb PreserVision AREDS 2 Eye Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, Contains Lutein, Vitamin C, Zeaxanthin, Zinc & Vitamin E, 210 Softgels Extra Large pack
- #1 Doctor Recommended Brand
- Contains Exact Levels of Clinically Proven Nutrients Based on the AREDS 2 Study
- Beta-Carotene Free
- Easy to Swallow
- Take one soft gel twice a day with a full glass of water during a meal
- This product qualifies for free delivery
滿HK$450 免費送貨 Free shipping on orders over HK$450
HK$450 以下順豐運費到付.
亦歡迎WhatsApp 5626 7267, 聯絡我們見面交收。
SF Express delivery charge COD on orders below HK$450.
No shipping for face-to-face transactions. Feel free to WhatsApp us at 5626 7267 to arrange.